The Millionaire Mastermind

The Millionaire Mastermind

I believe that if we can walk in the footsteps of greatness we ourselves will become great.

I wanted to design a Mastermind that was flexible and be able to include some of the great guests we have had on he show.

I am envisioning a 7 week video course on the web.  Most of the modules will be pre-recorded so you can watch on your own schedule.  When you sign up for this Mastermind you will automatically have access to our secret Facebook group where you can interact with other people taking the course.

Week 1:  Creating a powerful vision for prosperity---we will talk about how to truly envision the life you want and daily methods for making your vision a reality.

Week 2:  The drive principle-- how to create unlimited drive in your life.  Most people fail to reach their potential because of a lack of drive.  We will discuss how super agents keep moving both the ball and the goal post further out and keep hitting their goals.

Week 3:  Building your foundation for success-- budgets, marketing and data.

Week4:  Social Media for real estate agents---we will talk about the best ways to use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.  We will cover the best times to post, how to create a killer headline and how to use Facebook ads.  This is a course that I will bring in an industry expert.  I have had Herman Chann on the show as well as, Rebekah Radice of Better Homes and Gardens

Week 5:  Live question and answer session on Google hang outs.  I will have a panel including  myself, a social media guru, a top notch coach (think Mike Ferry, Bob Corcoran or Tom Rubens), as well as one or two top producing agents.  In order to create this panel I will be watching the show analytical to see which guests have gotten the most engagement.  I think this will be a really exciting interactive session.

Week 6:  This will be a week about Team and Mentor acqusition.  We talk about how to build a team, which hires you should make first, and how to define the roles for a succesful integrated team.  We will also spend some time on how to find a mentor or coach if you are not at the point of building a team.  I think Dave Jenks would be a perfect co-host for this session.  If you are not aware Dave co-authored the New York Times best selling book The Millionaire Real Estate Agent.

Week 7:  To Be Determined---- throughout the previous six weeks we will be listening to feedback and carefully craft the seventh and final weeks content to what you---the audience is asking for.

The cost of this program is anticipated to be $495

Let me know if this program is something that appeals to you and if you are interested email me at and we can put you on the wait list.  This program will be limited to 50 people.