282: Get More Conversions with Better Copywriting – Brian Kurtz

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Hosted by
Toby Salgado

I wanted to share something with you that has been on my mind for awhile—this is something that will make you way more productive in terms of getting conversions.  We all want more listings and we spend money on radio, facebook or just pound the phones to get appts——Im sure each of you would be interested in increasing your close rate

OK—here we go—-I first stumbled upon this 4 or 5 years ago and I have been refining it ever since—–what do you do when you pitch—-when  you are on a listing presentation?  Im sure you have a flow and while this little tirade is not solely about the componentsts of your pitch—I think its important your pitchlain what cpieces you should have in your pitch—A great book on refining your pitch is pitch anything by oren klaff00—I had him on the show—-if you want to listen go to superagentslive and in the search box type oren—O r e n

According to Oren you should start off with your big idea——in your case it might be—Im not going to just list your house and get it sold——-Im going to make the market—-in your area houses are selling for 300 a square foot—-Im going to set a new bar in this area—Im going to sell your house for 310 a square foot—that should net you an additional 30K—this is how Im going to do it—and then you could explain some strategy or another—-if you do this right—–these people are only focusing on what they just heard—-an extra 30 grand—–theier focusing on the shiny object while your moving pieces on the board

Now—heres where it gets interesting—-some people will challenge you when you say that your incredible marketing expertise can lift the entire market—–That’s OK if they do it once/

Let me stop for a second and try and build you a picture—a diagram of how these meetings or pitches actually go——–imagine a straight line on a piece of paper from left to right—-that is the length of the meeting—–the first thing you need to do when you pitch is try and do your pitch in 18 minutes or less—-and when you get to minute 20—–shut down the meeting.  Done –stop it—walk out and if they need more info—schedule another apt but, you should be able to get the listing in 18 minutes—typically the longer a meeting goes the less of a chance that they are going to sign.

Im telling you from my experience—-I do this with my radio pitches everyday—-at minute 18 I end—its over —-I never close—never and if my prospect can afford radio (prequalification is a whole other topic) that at minute 18 they invariably ask-0—–whats the next step—-do you know how powerful of a position you are in if your prospect asks you —whats the next step?

So—going back to that line—-an 18 minute duration—if you pitched yourself well and your big idea what happens is that you start to take your prospect on a ride—an endorphin pulsing exciting ride—you take them from baseline and they start to go up just like a roller coaster and then—-boom—-they start to object or engage in meaningless ways—-you are starting to lose them—–you need to understand that the first peak—you will never get them back to that peak again—they start to object and depending on how you reply and reframe the position—you can start to take them right back up b ut, again—-you will never reach that first peak position—you will always get to to a point under that initial height—this is the important thing here—–you take them up—they object and they plummet —you parry in fencing speak –you get them to just under peak levels and boom—they object to something else.  OK –right here—stop the meeting

You could say something like—–Im not sure that you guys actually want to sell your house—–see if you can get them to try and convince you that they are in fact serious—-If you don’t stop the meeting at the second objection this peak and valley thing we talked about earlier just continues——-you will never reach the first peak or the second much less the third and fourth.  Some of you might disagree and tell me stories of marathon long 4 hour listing presentations where you got the listing—ok  that’s fine but, I can almost guarantee you that the client was a pain in the ass and always had you back on your heels.  Life is too short—-get out of scarcity and into abundance

I hope you will actually implement this—–Ive done it for a long time and I close more deals and more importantly—–I maintain my position of power and throughtou my relationships with those clients they rarely second guess my opinions.

Take it or leave it —-this has been on my mind and wanted to share it—–lets get on with the show