263: Is the Bubble Bursting? – Toby Salgado

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Hosted by
Toby Salgado

Today’s episode I ask the question: Is the bubble bursting?  There are lots pieces of data that points to an issue in today’s market.  When we look at all these data points together I can make the case that we are at the tail end of a bubble.

We are seeing

1.  Days on market increasing in the luxury markets while the lower end is still on fire

2.  The average sales price is the highest its ever been

3.  Purchased money loans have decreased by 4% despite the fact that helocs are rapidly increasing.

While this should frighten you it also points to opportunity if you are able to shift and adapt to the market.  Here is what you need to do right now

1.  Develop a UVP unique value proposition

2.  Look at specific neighborhoods and see where days on market are increasing—there is where you will find motivated sellers

3.  Begin to scour FSBO and similar groups on Facebook

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