040: Jay Papasan–New York Times Best Selling Author Breaks It Down

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Hosted by
Toby Salgado

Jay has written The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, Shift and The ONE Thing with Gary Keller.

As of this interview Jay is on 131 Best Seller Lists.  In this episode he explains:

  • Why you should never try to be the smartest guy in the room
  • How Gary Keller built Keller Williams
  • How to reverse engineer the systems Gary used to build his company
  • How to recognize the One Thing you should be working on right now
  • Why you should get ahead of your business expenses as soon as possible
  • Why you should focus on your daily dollar productive activities and work on them
  • Why you should meld your business goals and personal goals to create a passionate life
  • The elephant and the rider illustration is a metaphor for your intellect and heart–combine your heart and intellect to optimize your schedule and goals
  • If your servant hearted the money will follow
  • Why you should go out and find your passion—-something that you will do for free
  • Why to identify your purpose–find your “Why”
  • Find where your passion and business connect to re-invigorate your life
  • Why social media can only augment your business—its not a deal driver
  • Why you should get into your email box and write a blog about each question you get
  • Why you should think bigger than you are—double your goals today!
  • Why your goal becomes your minimum standard
  • Why getting a coach will help you expand your business, mind and life
  • Knowing your “Why” is more important that your strategy or tactics
  • Why you should develop a habit of gratitude everyday
  • Why you should build powerful and productive habits in your life

Personal Habit:  Jay instituted a date night habit and that has strengthened his marriage and how he try’s to add 50 people to his database

Book:  To Sell is Human by Daniel Pink

3 Steps:  Identify your sphere and begin reaching out to them